Release notes | 1.4.34 | 12 Jul 2024
Document processing
We have improved the user experience around filtering documents - you can now filter documents by status, assignee, and letter type.

There is a new "All" tab which aggregates all documents, where you can search and filter all documents (including ones that have been saved to the record).
We've made improvements to the search engine behind documents, meaning you are now able to more effectively search for patients by their NHS number or name, as well as other key document attributes.
Bug fixes & other issues
Fixed: occasions where the toolbar would incorrectly display a 'Request timeout' error.
Fixed: users would sometimes see the 'Error saving sign off' message when adding certain custom signoff options.
Fixed: display issues when initiating a request for some patients using iPhone devices.
Fixed: an issue preventing export of raw events from the Analytics tab.
Updates to GP practice names.
Various updates to SNOMED and CTV3 codes and mappings.
A new warning is shown when creating a new proxy request to alert users when their organisation has exceeded its request limit for that day.
Updated on: 13/07/2024
Thank you!