Articles on: Healthcare Professionals

Documents: What are Custom Fields and how to use them

**What Are Custom Fields and Where to Find them:**

Custom fields allow you to train Anima's AI (Annie), to extract specific information for you from any documents you process through Anima. These custom fields will save to the patient record, and provide you a way to get additional information to get into your EHR.

To do this follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Go to Org Settings

Step 2: From there go to Document Processing

Step 3: Scroll down until you see "Custom Fields to Extract"

Step 4: Click Add

Step 5: Fill in Label, Description and Examples

**Custom Field Definitions:**

Label: This is the name given to the field that you want Annie to extract information to.

Note: Make sure you don't have any spaces within the label name as in the below example:

Description: This is the context or definition you want Annie to have when extracting information.

Examples: These are the words or values you want Annie to populate into the field.

Note: Make sure you separate each example with a comma as in the below example:

Common Custom Fields:

Here are some examples that most practices use when building custom fields. Feel free to copy and paste these directly into your custom field settings!

Clinical Department

This will enable Annie to indentify the department or speciality the patient was seen in.

Label: ClinicalDepartment

Description: The department or speciality the patient was seen in

Examplea: Cardiology, Neurology, Oncology

Follow Up Time Frame

This will enable Annie to extract follow up time frames to create action for clinical review

Label: FollowUpTimeFrame

Description: The timeframe for the next follow up or review

Examples: Review in six weeks', Follow up in 2 weeks', asked to follow up in a month

Follow Up Date

This will enable Annie to extract follow up dates to create action for clinical review

Label: FollowUpDate

Description: The date of the next follow up appointment or next treatment date

Examples: 14/01/2024, 10th January 2024, 17-08-2026

GPA Action

This will enable Annie to extract information that the practice or care team will need to take as a follow up.

Label: GPAction

Description: Action the GP practice or Primary Care team will need to take as a follow up from the letter. May include appointments, investigations, tests, callbacks, medication changes, referrals, and more.

Examples: Please follow up in two weeks, Refer to, Please repeat blood test. Primary Care follow up

Medication Change

This will enable Annie to detail any changes in the letter around changes in medication dosage or stoppage.

Label: MedicationChange

Description: Any changes detailed in the letter around starting or stopping or changing dosage of medication

Examples: Please start naproxen 50mg per day, Reduce usage by 50mg a day

Updated on: 18/09/2024

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