How to set up GP Connect-bookable appointments: SystmOne (TPP)
Here's a step-by-step guide for SystmOne practices to enable appointment bookings in Anima via the GP Connect integration. If you have further questions or problems, please contact your Anima account manager.
You can also watch our 5 minute video tutorial that walks through the steps below, click here.
Step 1: Carefully setting up your slot and rota types
Step 2: Configuring GP Connect Roles for your team
Step 3: Selecting rotas to be visible in Anima via GP Connect
Step 4: Set up rota, organisation, and slot type booking rules
Step 5: Trigger a refresh of slots in Anima via Organisation Settings
Step 6: Check that appointments are pulling through in Anima
How to solve the error: "SystmOne Not Currently Open”
When should I set up my test rota? : Within the next 7 days of your calendar.
Note: Ensure that your rota types and rota names do not have your GPAD keyword otherwise they will not be visible for appointment bookings.
Firstly, it’s important to ensure your slot types are correctly created and organized. These should be group according to the times and individual involved.
For example:
- Clinic Name Nurse Slot - 10 mins
- Clinic Name Nurse Slot - 20 mins
- Clinic Name F2F appointment - 10 mins
- Clinic Name F2F appointment - 20 mins
- Clinic Name Telephone - 10 mins
- Clinic Name Video Call - 10 mins
Think about when the slots should be positioned throughout the day. For example, does it make sense to restrict smear test slots to 8-9am which could be very difficult for mums with school aged children?
At the top of SystmOne, click Setup, Users & Policy, and then Organisation Preferences.

A pop up window will appear. On the left hand side, under Patient Call Screen, click Slot Types.

Click New Slot Type or Amend Slot Type.

Important! Name the New Slot Type, ensure the Type is Bookable, and the 3 checkboxes (bookable through remote booking, enable SMS reminders, and enable DNA messages) are checked.
The main checkboxes that needs to be ticked are Type is Bookable and Bookable through remote booking
Then for National Slot Type Category, select Practice - Care Related Encounter - General Consultation Routine or whichever type you normally use.
The Appointment Method should be set appropriately. E.g. if you wish for a face to face appointment to show up in Anima, make sure to select face to face here.
Then click Ok.
When you go to connect your rotas in Step 3: Selecting rotas to be visible in Anima via GP Connect, it will ask you what the type is. Therefore, it’s important that you know all your clinic rota types and ensure the rotas are all grouped correctly (e.g. GP Session, HCA Session, or Nurse Session).
On the top tab click Appointments, and then Appointment Ledger.

For each rota, right click, Administration, and then Amend - This will open up a pop up.

Ensure that you remember the Type of each rota you want to be GP connect bookable. For example you can group all your rotas into either: GP Session, HCA Session, or Nurse Session. Make a note of all the rota types you want bookable as you’ll need this later on.
Then click Ok.

All users that you want to be GP Connect bookable in Anima must have a GP Connect role.
Head into SystmOne, click Setup, Users & Policy, Staff & Organisation Setup

Right click on a user and click Amend Staff. This will bring up a pop up window.

In the pop up window, click on the Local Settings tab at the top and ensure that the GP Connect role has been chosen.
Click Ok to save the changes. Note: You have to do this for every person in the clinic whose appointment books you want to be visible within Anima.

Tip! We recommend thinking carefully about how your team works as this will ensure that invites are sent to the correct members of the team. Try to ensure the roles assigned group teams based on what they do (e.g. can they prescribe?). Here’s a quick example: All GPs in one group under “General Medical Practitioner”, all prescribing nurses under "Specialist Nurse Practitioner”, all non-prescribing nurses under “ Staff Nurse”, all healthcare assistants and GP assistants under “Health Care Support Worker”
Here's a list of GP connect roles:
- General Medical Practitioner
- Salaried General Practitioner
- Student Practice Nurse
- Specialist Nurse Practitioner
- Sister/Charge Nurse
- Staff Nurse
- Midwife
- Community Practitioner
- Community Midwife
- Dietician
- Pharmacist
- Psychotherapist
- Clinical Psychotherapist
- Social Worker
- Health Care Support Worker
- Healthcare Assistant
- Counsellor
- Phlebotomist
- GP Registrar
- Sessional GP
From the SystmOne dashboard, click Setup at the top, followed by Users & Policy and then Organisation Preferences.

You’ll then get a pop up window. On the left hand side, click Provider under GP Connect.

Ensure the Enable GP Connect Appointments Provider checkbox is ticked.

Click Ok at the bottom to save the changes.
Stay in Setup -> Users & Policy -> Organisation Preferences -> Provider -> GP Connect (the same as the step above).
You may have existing rota types that will be displayed here. If you want to add a new rota that you want to be able to book into via Anima & GP Connect, click on the + symbol in the first box.

Find the name of the Rota Type you want to be GP Connect bookable (remember this isn’t the Slot Type!). These are the Rota Types from Step 1: Carefully planning your slots and rota types.

Select if you want any organisation to be able to book into that rota type, or only specific organisations (either button below depending on the situation). We'll use the second option.

Then click Ok.
Now you want to grant organisations access to the rotas they need.
Click on the + sign in the second box next to Organisation.

This will open up a pop up box with the title Rota Booking Rule. Now in the left hand Available column, find the rotas you want to provide organisation access, click on them, and then click the right arrow to move them to the Selected column (like below).

Now in the second box below this (called Organisations), click the + sign. This will open up another box to search for the Sites you want to have access to the rotas you have selected. If you want PCN wide access, you’ll click on PCN level site. Note! Sometimes there can be more than one organisation for your surgery, if you’re unsure, add both!

Then click Ok. The organisation rule will now appear. E.g. Dr Agha’s clinic can now access the Tutorial rota.

Then click Ok again at the bottom to ensure that all changes on the page are saved.
Let’s move to the third box down named Slot Type. You may have existing slot types that will be displayed here. You must ensure that all the slot types you want GP Connect bookable are shown here.
To add a new Slot Type booking rule that you want to be able to book into via Anima & GP Connect, click on the + symbol in the third box (as shown below).

Find the name of the Slot Type you created and select the second option.

Then click Ok.
Now you want to grant organisations access to the slot types they need.
Click on the + sign in the FOURTH box next to Organisation.

In the left hand Available column, find the name of the slot type, click it, and then click the right arrow to move it to the Selected column (like below).

Now in the box below, click the + button under Organisation. Select the organisation you want to be able to book into this slot type.

Then click Ok. The slot type rule will now appear. Click Ok again to save all your rules.
This step is important to make sure you see the appointments in Anima!
Head to the Anima desktop app. Click Settings → Organisation Settings → Scroll down and click Force appointment slots update

Go to the Anima desktop app, and go to the main Dashboard.

Double click onto a patient request.

Click on the Manage tab, followed by the Bookings/Invites button. Then click on Book appointment now and search for the type of appointment that should be pulling through - usually face to face consult.

A popup window will appear. Now click on Create new appointment and see if the appointments are coming through in the calendar below.

You can also watch our 5 minute video tutorial that walks through the steps below, click here.
Step 1: Carefully setting up your slot and rota types
Step 2: Configuring GP Connect Roles for your team
Step 3: Selecting rotas to be visible in Anima via GP Connect
Step 4: Set up rota, organisation, and slot type booking rules
Step 5: Trigger a refresh of slots in Anima via Organisation Settings
Step 6: Check that appointments are pulling through in Anima
How to solve the error: "SystmOne Not Currently Open”
When should I set up my test rota? : Within the next 7 days of your calendar.
Note: Ensure that your rota types and rota names do not have your GPAD keyword otherwise they will not be visible for appointment bookings.
Step 1: Carefully planning your slots and rota types
Slot Types
Firstly, it’s important to ensure your slot types are correctly created and organized. These should be group according to the times and individual involved.
For example:
- Clinic Name Nurse Slot - 10 mins
- Clinic Name Nurse Slot - 20 mins
- Clinic Name F2F appointment - 10 mins
- Clinic Name F2F appointment - 20 mins
- Clinic Name Telephone - 10 mins
- Clinic Name Video Call - 10 mins
Think about when the slots should be positioned throughout the day. For example, does it make sense to restrict smear test slots to 8-9am which could be very difficult for mums with school aged children?
To create/edit your slot types:
At the top of SystmOne, click Setup, Users & Policy, and then Organisation Preferences.

A pop up window will appear. On the left hand side, under Patient Call Screen, click Slot Types.

Click New Slot Type or Amend Slot Type.

Important! Name the New Slot Type, ensure the Type is Bookable, and the 3 checkboxes (bookable through remote booking, enable SMS reminders, and enable DNA messages) are checked.
The main checkboxes that needs to be ticked are Type is Bookable and Bookable through remote booking

Then for National Slot Type Category, select Practice - Care Related Encounter - General Consultation Routine or whichever type you normally use.
The Appointment Method should be set appropriately. E.g. if you wish for a face to face appointment to show up in Anima, make sure to select face to face here.
Then click Ok.
Rota Types
When you go to connect your rotas in Step 3: Selecting rotas to be visible in Anima via GP Connect, it will ask you what the type is. Therefore, it’s important that you know all your clinic rota types and ensure the rotas are all grouped correctly (e.g. GP Session, HCA Session, or Nurse Session).
On the top tab click Appointments, and then Appointment Ledger.

For each rota, right click, Administration, and then Amend - This will open up a pop up.

Ensure that you remember the Type of each rota you want to be GP connect bookable. For example you can group all your rotas into either: GP Session, HCA Session, or Nurse Session. Make a note of all the rota types you want bookable as you’ll need this later on.
Then click Ok.

Step 2: Configure GP Connect roles for your team
All users that you want to be GP Connect bookable in Anima must have a GP Connect role.
Head into SystmOne, click Setup, Users & Policy, Staff & Organisation Setup

Right click on a user and click Amend Staff. This will bring up a pop up window.

In the pop up window, click on the Local Settings tab at the top and ensure that the GP Connect role has been chosen.
Click Ok to save the changes. Note: You have to do this for every person in the clinic whose appointment books you want to be visible within Anima.

Tip! We recommend thinking carefully about how your team works as this will ensure that invites are sent to the correct members of the team. Try to ensure the roles assigned group teams based on what they do (e.g. can they prescribe?). Here’s a quick example: All GPs in one group under “General Medical Practitioner”, all prescribing nurses under "Specialist Nurse Practitioner”, all non-prescribing nurses under “ Staff Nurse”, all healthcare assistants and GP assistants under “Health Care Support Worker”
Here's a list of GP connect roles:
- General Medical Practitioner
- Salaried General Practitioner
- Student Practice Nurse
- Specialist Nurse Practitioner
- Sister/Charge Nurse
- Staff Nurse
- Midwife
- Community Practitioner
- Community Midwife
- Dietician
- Pharmacist
- Psychotherapist
- Clinical Psychotherapist
- Social Worker
- Health Care Support Worker
- Healthcare Assistant
- Counsellor
- Phlebotomist
- GP Registrar
- Sessional GP
Step 3: Selecting rotas to be visible in Anima via GP Connect
From the SystmOne dashboard, click Setup at the top, followed by Users & Policy and then Organisation Preferences.

You’ll then get a pop up window. On the left hand side, click Provider under GP Connect.

Ensure the Enable GP Connect Appointments Provider checkbox is ticked.

Click Ok at the bottom to save the changes.
Step 4: Set up rota, organisation, and slot type booking rules
Stay in Setup -> Users & Policy -> Organisation Preferences -> Provider -> GP Connect (the same as the step above).
Adding Rota Booking Rules
You may have existing rota types that will be displayed here. If you want to add a new rota that you want to be able to book into via Anima & GP Connect, click on the + symbol in the first box.

Find the name of the Rota Type you want to be GP Connect bookable (remember this isn’t the Slot Type!). These are the Rota Types from Step 1: Carefully planning your slots and rota types.

Select if you want any organisation to be able to book into that rota type, or only specific organisations (either button below depending on the situation). We'll use the second option.

Then click Ok.
Giving Organisations Access To Rotas
Now you want to grant organisations access to the rotas they need.
Click on the + sign in the second box next to Organisation.

This will open up a pop up box with the title Rota Booking Rule. Now in the left hand Available column, find the rotas you want to provide organisation access, click on them, and then click the right arrow to move them to the Selected column (like below).

Now in the second box below this (called Organisations), click the + sign. This will open up another box to search for the Sites you want to have access to the rotas you have selected. If you want PCN wide access, you’ll click on PCN level site. Note! Sometimes there can be more than one organisation for your surgery, if you’re unsure, add both!

Then click Ok. The organisation rule will now appear. E.g. Dr Agha’s clinic can now access the Tutorial rota.

Then click Ok again at the bottom to ensure that all changes on the page are saved.
Adding Slot Type Booking Rules
Let’s move to the third box down named Slot Type. You may have existing slot types that will be displayed here. You must ensure that all the slot types you want GP Connect bookable are shown here.
To add a new Slot Type booking rule that you want to be able to book into via Anima & GP Connect, click on the + symbol in the third box (as shown below).

Find the name of the Slot Type you created and select the second option.

Then click Ok.
Giving Organisations Access To Slot Types
Now you want to grant organisations access to the slot types they need.
Click on the + sign in the FOURTH box next to Organisation.

In the left hand Available column, find the name of the slot type, click it, and then click the right arrow to move it to the Selected column (like below).

Now in the box below, click the + button under Organisation. Select the organisation you want to be able to book into this slot type.

Then click Ok. The slot type rule will now appear. Click Ok again to save all your rules.
Step 5: Trigger a refresh of slots in Anima via Organisation Settings.
This step is important to make sure you see the appointments in Anima!
Head to the Anima desktop app. Click Settings → Organisation Settings → Scroll down and click Force appointment slots update

**Step 6: Check that appointments are pulling through in Anima**
Go to the Anima desktop app, and go to the main Dashboard.

Double click onto a patient request.

Click on the Manage tab, followed by the Bookings/Invites button. Then click on Book appointment now and search for the type of appointment that should be pulling through - usually face to face consult.

A popup window will appear. Now click on Create new appointment and see if the appointments are coming through in the calendar below.

Updated on: 20/10/2024
Thank you!