Articles on: Healthcare Professionals

User settings

Updating your user settings in Anima

Click ‘User settings’ in your left-hand menu to be taken to the user settings page. Here you can update your personal details, settings relevant to your whole practice, and change your Anima password.

Personal details

Use this page to update your personal details, such as username, profile picture and availability. You can also toggle notifications on and off. Changes made on this page will only affect your Anima account.

Practice details

Use this page to update your Anima settings for your practice. Changes made on this page will affect all users at your practice.

On this page you can set your practice’s EHR system, ODS code and configure how patients access Anima to suit you:

Request limits: you can set both active request limits and daily requests limits.
The active request limit sets how many patient requests can be active at any time for the whole practice. If the limit is reached, patients will not be able to submit any further requests. Set this limit to 0 if you do not want to set an active request limit.

The daily request limit sets how many patient requests can be received in one day before Anima becomes unavailable to patients. If the limit is reached, patients will be unable to submit new Anima requests until the following day. Set this limit to 0 if you do not want to set a daily request limit.

Access times: you can set the time window in which patients can submit requests through Anima - select a start and end time. If you do not select any times, there will be no limit placed on patient’s access.
You can also select specific days to make the platform unavailable, for example if your practice will be closed or staff unavailable for any reason.

Updated on: 16/08/2023

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