Articles on: Release Notes

Release notes | 1.4.09 | 9 Jan 2024

Inviting patients to book an appointment

- The maximum search range for appointment slots has been increased from 6 weeks to 12 weeks (#721)
- The look and feel of patient invitations has been improved. Let us know what you think! (#874)

Booking appointments directly in Anima ("Book appointment now")

- Filter presets that are already available when inviting patients to self-book appointments are now also available when booking patients directly into an appointment slot in Anima as well. The same filters will be available whether you are booking an appointment directly, or inviting a patient to book an appointment (#948)


- Your organisation (practice, PCN) name is now added by default in the signature of sign-off messages (#522)

Bookings / Invites

- When booking an appointment, the user's previous selection ("Invite patient" or "Book appointment now") is recalled and pre-selected by default (#340)

Document Processing

- Updated list of possible letter types for Document Processing users.
- Users can now choose which fields predicted by Annie should be saved to record. They can also set thresholds for importance and relevance of SNOMED codes saved to record. A 'Balanced' setting is recommended for most users.



- The filtering, sorting and search functionality when using message templates and assign drop-downs has been improved to show more relevant results (#1080).

Bug fixes

- An issue where manual patient validation was disabled for phone numbers from certain countries was fixed.
- Fixed minor visual inconsistencies in the warning message presented to users accessing Anima from their web browser.
- Fixed an issue where multi-line content would not correctly fit in the MDT chat input (#1436)
- Fixed an email validation issue for email addresses that contain surrounding whitespace during patient sign-up (#1445)

Updated on: 26/01/2024

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