Release notes | v1.4.0 | 20 Oct 2023
New organisation settings
Clinics may now allow/disallow their patients from using the translation feature. Go to Org. Settings >> Patient App >> Translation to make the relevant changes.

Clinics may now disable the submission of General medical requests from the patient application

Analytics: forecasting patient requests
You now have the ability see projected patient requests based on prior history. You can do so by going to the Analytics page, and clicking on the "Patient requests submitted" chart, there should be an option to view forecasting.

Appointment slots filter presets can now be deleted. We've added a trash icon in the preset selector where you can delete presets.

Major upgrade of UI libraries
We have made a major upgrade of some of our underlying UI libraries. You will mainly see this in some changes in stylings, buttons, and input fields.
Patient App changes
Presence of a breast lump is now flagged as a red flag and will trigger a high risk rating
Fix for UKMEC contraception calculation
NYHA score coding is no longer automatically applied to these requests
New Epworth Sleepiness Scale DAG can be sent to patients
New isolated PHQ9 DAG can be sent to patients
Updated on: 27/10/2023
Thank you!