Release notes | 1.4.24 | 17 Apr 2024
Bulk actions for documents. You can now action multiple documents in one go. Actions include: Reprocess, assign, merge, delete, duplicate, split!
We've added the ability for you to 1-click re-process a document
View your usage and pages processed in your Billing settings

Display Annie matched patients on the documents table You will see Annie's patient suggestions in the Patient column without having to click into the document. A green check mark will display once the patient has been verified with your EHR.

Annie now recognises fields such as Locality, Town and County in sender information for S1 users.
Improved patient identification and matching for different letter types.
Support for extracting height measurements in both metres and centimetres.
Patient Authentication
Increased accessibility for patients. We've heard you and are working hard to ensure there's a reduction in support requests from your patients. As a first step we've simplified the process for patients creating a new account or signing in to an existing account. There are now half the number of steps when validating an email address or reseting a password, and we've provided clearer messaging and buttons to act on next steps when errors occur. When creating or editing accounts on behalf of your patient, they will be emailed a link to set their password instead of receiving a temporary password.
Fixed a bug with patients not getting clear log in instructions when adding or editing an email address for an existing patient account.
Fixed a bug with patients using the same email address after deleting an existing patient account with NHS login.
Patient Questionnaires
Added rule-out questions to UTI questionnaire for cauda equina syndrome
Counters and constraints
Improved counter consistency across multiple areas of the platform
Updated on: 01/05/2024
Thank you!