Articles on: Release Notes

Release notes | 1.4.27 | 21 May 2024

Document processing

Improved dashboard navigation

You can now view documents in your dashboard according to their status - uploaded, queued, processed, assigned or saved.

Documents will automatically move to the right status - for example, assigning a document to someone else will automatically place that document in the Assigned status.

What do these statuses mean?

Uploaded: documents that have been uploaded into Anima, but haven't yet been sent to Annie for processing
Queued: documents that Annie is actively working on
Processed: documents where Annie's processing is complete
Saved: documents that have been saved to a patient's record

Support for longer task descriptions and notes

When you generate a task from a document, we've increased the permitted character count for the task's description and notes from 150 to 300.

For SystmOne practices - improved visibility for SNOMED to CTV3 mappings:

We've updated a number of our code mappings to better match SNOMED codes with the equivalent CTV3 code.

We also now display the CTV3 code that a SNOMED code has been mapped to when a code is added to a document so you have better visibility over what code will be saved to the patient's record:

For SystmOne practices - improved guidance for the 'Invalid type' error

We've improved the error message that is shown if you select a letter type that hasn't been configured as a permitted letter type option in your organisation's SystmOne settings:

Other fixes & improvements

Improved stability when saving documents to record
Improvements to EMIS coding protocols when saving problems as a 'First' or 'Review'

Updated on: 24/05/2024

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