Release notes | 1.4.28 | 24 May 2024
Extended appointment information in the patient's record
When sending a patient an appointment invite from any of Contact Patients, the Anima toolbar, or directly from a document, the details of any filters that were applied to the appointment invitation (such as the staff member or service type) are now saved to the patient's record.
Auto-appointment information in the patient's record
If a patient is offered an appointment as a result of any auto-appointment routing that your organisation has configured, the patient's responses to the relevant questionnaire are now saved to the patient's record.
Document processing
Automatic local folder sync
You can now link a local folder on your computer directly to Anima from your organisation settings. Once configured, any file that you add to your chosen folder will automatically be uploaded to Anima, where you can then choose to send for processing by Annie.

Default custom fields
For new users of document processing, there will now be 4 custom fields added to all documents by default:
GP actions: references in a document to follow up actions for a GP or the practice to take
Medication changes: references in a document to changes to a patient's medication
Follow up time frame: references in a document to the timeframe or date for a follow-up or review
Clinical department: the department or specialty that the patient was seen in
You can always remove or edit these custom fields in your organisation settings.
We have also increased the number of permitted custom fields from 5 to 8.
Automatic document title & types for EMIS practices
The document type, title and sender will now be automatically saved into the patient's record based on the letter type and sender details that were selected in Anima.
Save to record fixes & improvements
Custom fields that Annie marked as [missing] are now removed before the document is saved to the patient's record.
For SystmOne practices, we've fixed multiple issues with addresses being too long and postcodes being invalid while saving documents to record.
For EMIS practices, we've fixed issues that occasionally caused documents to stall when saving to the patient's record.
Take actions from a document
You can now take a range of actions directly from a document - even if you're not using Anima for online consultations:
Invite a patient to self-book an appointment
Book a patient directly into an appointment slot
Request that a patient completes a health questionnaire
Send a patient a message by SMS (charges apply) or email
For SystmOne practices: improved visibility of CTV3 codes when searching for codes
You can now see which CTV3 code a SNOMED code is linked to when searching for a code to add to a document.

Other fixes & improvements
When you select a patient for a document, the patient will now be automatically added without you having to navigate away from the patient search page.
For EMIS practices - an issue where documents were occasionally saved twice to the patient's record has been fixed.
Updated on: 24/05/2024
Thank you!