Frequently Asked Questions
The option 'Ask a simple question' is not available
If the option to 'Ask a simple question' is not available, or is greyed out, it simply means that your GP practice has disabled this option for patients. Fear not, you can simply select the 'Get help for a medical issue' or 'Submit an admin request' option, both of which will be received and dealt with by your GP practice.PopularCan I still use Anima if I don't have a mobile phone?
Absolutely! During your sign up process, we will ask you for both an email address and a mobile phone number. This is so your GP practice can let you know when your doctor has made a decision regarding the request you have submitted. But don't worry if you do not have a mobile phone, we will simply use your email address to notify you.PopularSetting up 2-factor authentication
If you have Google Authenticator we would recommend using this to set up your 2FA as this is our preferred authenticator app! You can use these official guides for help on setting up 2-factor authentication: Google Authenticator Microsoft Authenticator ( readersHow to update your GP Practice details?
If you are transferring from one Anima-based GP practice to another practice also using Anima, you can update your practice details in your patient account. Log into your Anima Patient Account and select Settings Next, click I've changed my GP Practice Finally, update your GP Practice details to your new AFew readers
Register for an Account
How do I register for an Anima account as a patient?
1. Get to the Anima patient website From your GP surgery's website, you can click on the "Anima" banner, or click the link in the email or text that you received from your practice. You can also click here. 2. Create your Anima account To start, this is what your page should look like: To create an account, enter your email address and click or tap on contiPopularHow do I login to my Anima account?
1. Register for an Anima account If you do not have an existing account, before you can log in you need to register for an Anima account. If you need help registering, you can read our article: How do I register for an Anima account as a patient? 2. Get to the Anima patient website Go to your GP surgery's website, and click on the "Anima" banner. You can also click here.PopularHow can I add Anima to my phone's home screen?
Please note: You must be using a device running iOS 11.3 (or later) or macOS 10.13.4 (or later). You must access Anima using the Safari browser (these are requirements set by Apple, not Anima!) Login to your Anima account using Safari, then tap the Share button: Tap the icon labelled Add to Home Screen: (https://storage.crisp.chaPopularHow do I add a dependant to my account?
You can add dependants to your Anima account if they are registered at the same GP practice as you. Once you add someone as a dependant, you will be able to submit Anima requests on their behalf - this may be useful to submit requests for children, or elderly relatives for example. First, log into your Anima account. From your dashboard, click Settings Click Dependents and chilPopularHow do I start using Anima?
Once you've created your Anima account, you'll be ready to start submitting requests to your GP practice! This article sets out a simple guide to Anima's main features. Once you’ve completed the guided tour, you’ll be taken to your dashboard where you can choose from the options to complete the right request for your problem: From here, you can: Get help for a medical issuePopularI share the same email address as my partner, can we use the same account?
To help us with patient verification and to ensure that information sent to you by your GP practice remains secure, each account created with Anima needs to be related to a unique email address. If you share an email address with someone else, you may wish to consider the following options in order to create an Anima account: One of the users creates a new email address from any provider (it doesn't matter which provider you user - Gmail, Hotmail/Outlook, YahooMail, iCloud - and they are alPopularHow do I access Anima?
You can access your patient portal once you GP Surgery has joined Anima. You can create your account via a link from your GP Surgery or a banner on their website (you will need your NHS number, your DOB, a valid email address, the name of your GP Surgery, and the name of your GP). You will need an active internet connection. We recommend you use Chrome (v98.0 or later), Safari (v15.2 or later,) or Firefox (v97.0 or later) browsers. You do not need to download any programs to login to your AnPopularHow do I access my Anima account after it was created by my GP practice?
Step 1. Get to the Anima patient website Go to your GP surgery's website and click on the "Anima" banner. You can also click here. Step 2. Attempt to log in to your account To start, this is what your page should look like: Enter the same email address that you used when speaking to your GP practice, or the email address that received an invite to Anima, andPopularFor patients: I’ve forgotten my Anima password
1. Get to the Anima patient website Go to your GP surgery's website, and click on the "Anima" banner. You can also click here. 2. Attempt to log in to your account To start, this is what your page should look like: If you created your account using an email and password, enter your email address and click or tap on continue with email. If you used NHS logSome readersI’ve changed my phone number - how do I update my account?
In order to update any of your contact information, you must login to your Anima account. In your Dashboard, you will see a series of tabs on the left hand side of your screen. Click on "User settings". Then, click on "Your preferences," where you can scroll down to the bottom of the page, and enter your new phone number in "Update your phone number". Make sure to click on "Save CSome readersI didn’t receive a verification code to my email address
Please wait 5 minutes after submitting your request to receive your verification code to restore your password. If no emails from Anima appear in your Inbox, check your Junk and Spam folders in your email account. If no emails appear in your Inbox (or Junk/Spam folders), re-submit your restore password request and verify you are using the correct email address, which is linked to your Anima account.Few readersHow do I logout of my Anima account?
While you are logged into your Anima patient portal, the left side of your Dashboard will show a panel. At the lower end of the panel, you can click on "Log out." This will log out of your Anima account. In order to log in again to submit or check the status of a request, you will need the email and password you used while registering your Anima account.Few readers
Submit a Request
How to ask a simple question
From your Dashboard, you can choose to ask your GP Surgery a simple question regarding your next appointment, your treatment plan, your medication schedule etc. You can choose to do so by logging into to your Anima Dashboard, and then: Click on "Ask a Simple Question" ( cannot submit a request to my GP Surgery
Once logged into your Anima account, you occasionally may not be able to submit a new medical, admin, or simple requests. Your Dashboard may look like this: There are a few reasons you may not submit a request to your GP Surgery: GP Surgery is closed and it is outside of their operating hours The amount of consultations has exceeded the limit the practice has set for thePopularCan I insist on seeing my GP for a face-to-face consultation
While you are submitting your medical, admin, or simple request, you have the option to write in your preferences (as well as other questions or concerns). Your GP will ultimately decide whether your request requires an in office appointment or face-to-face consultation.Some readersHow do I know if a doctor has seen my request?
After your request is submitted from your patient account in Anima, it is received by your GP Surgery. The office will review your request and pass it long to the personnel required to review and resolve your request. In Anima, you have the ability to view the Status of your request by logging into your patient account. On your Dashboard, you will see all the requests "In progress." In order to check the status of a request, click on the blue labelled "Status": (https://storage.crisp.chatSome readersHow to review messages sent to you by your practice
Sometimes your practice will need to send you messages within Anima, for example to ask for further information or to confirm appointment details. You should make sure that you check these messages in case your practice needs you to take any action. To view your messages, you need to log in to your Anima account and scroll to your In progress reviews. When your practice sends you a message, you will get an email and SMS notification from Anima that will look like this: (https:Some readersGet Help for a Medical Issue from your GP Surgery
In order to submit a request to your GP Surgery, your GP needs to be signed up with Anima. Once your GP is onboard, you can use Anima to communicate with them. 1. Log onto your Anima account (if it is your first time using Anima, you must Create an Anima Account first). After you are logged in, this is your Dashboard: Click on the blue button "Submit a new request" (https://storage.Some readersWhat happens after I send a request in Anima
After your request is submitted from your patient account in Anima, it is received by your GP Surgery. The office will review your request and pass it long to the personnel required to review and resolve your request. Once you submit a request through Anima, it will immediately show up as "In progress" in your Dashboard. Clicking on the blue "Status" button will reveal that you coFew readersHow do I submit a request to my preferred doctor?
If you have an assigned, or preferred, doctor, once you are logged into your Anima account, you can choose a preferred doctor in your User settings. Click on the User settings tab on the left hand side: Click on the Your preferences tab: ( readersCan I ask for help at any time?
You may submit medical, admin, or simple requests during your GP Surgery's online consultation hours. Your GP Surgery many allow online consultations for a period of time during their operating hours (either a portion of their day or a full day) to make sure they can manage all of the incoming requests from their patients. If you login to your Anima account and cannot submit a meFew readersHow to submit an admin request: request a letter
In order to request documentation from your GP Surgery, use this guide to communicate your request for travel documentation, PIP documentation, sick notes, test results etc: From your Dashboard, scroll to the request links: Click on "Submit an Admin Request": ( readersCan I make a request for a doctor who is not my “preferred doctor”?
Once you are logged into your Anima account, you can choose a preferred doctor or an alternative doctor in your GP Surgery in your User settings. Click on the "User settings" tab on the left hand side: Click on the "Your preferences" tab. If you have a preferred doctorFew readersI submitted the wrong request in error
Once a request is submitted, you cannot made any amendments. If your request was submitted in error, you wish to add further details, or you wish to change details in your request, please submit a new request to your GP Surgery.Few readersCan I submit questions to my doctor in my own words?
Whether you'd like to submit a medical request, submit an administrative request, or ask a simple question, you always have the option to ask questions in your own words in Anima. Medical request For medical requests, in order to help your GP best answer your question, we require you provide as much detail and relevant information pertaining to your concern. You will have the option to ask any questions on the final page, as seen here: ( readersHow to access a request you “saved” to finish later
Login to your Anima account. On your patient Dashboard, you will see your requests which are "in progress." Those that are 'pending' or 'incomplete requests' are labeled with Action required. You have the option to "Resume" or "Delete" incomplete requests. Any incomplete requests which are deleted cannot be retrieved. In order to access a previously started, but incomplete request, find the request you are referring to from your Dashboard's "In progress" list. ( readersWill my doctor be able to see my past medical history when I submit a request
Yes, your GP will consider your request within the context of your wider medical history and medical record to help them make the appropriate clinical decision. This means they will be be aware of any long-standing conditions that you may have when you submit a request through Anima.Few readersHow to submit a request for a letter from my GP?
Few readers
More about Anima
Can I use Anima to book appointments?
While you are submitting your medical, admin, or simple request, you have the option to write in your preferences (as well as other questions or concerns). Your GP will ultimately decide whether your request requires an in office appointment or face-to-face consultation. Anima cannot book an appointment on your behalf at your GP Surgery.PopularIs there an Anima app?
There is nothing you (as the patient) need to download to start using Anima. You can just login to your account from your desktop or mobile device to start submitting requests to your GP.Few readersWhat is Anima?
Anima is an online consultation platform that allows you to submit requests to your GP practice. Using Anima, you will be able to submit requests tailored to whatever medical problem or admin request you have. Anima will ask you all the same questions that a doctor or someone else at your GP practice would usually ask, meaning they will have all the information they need to help you and make a decision about next steps. Anima is able to help your GP manage health consultations, administrative taFew readersIs Anima safe and secure?
Anima has been approved by NHS Digital to be used by your GP practice and the other systems involved in your care. The NHS has a lengthy assurance process to make sure we meet the highest standards of safety and security. Your data is safe and is shared only with your GP practice for the purposes of your direct care. Your data is stored and sent securely using industry best practices, and we only collect the data that is necessary to allow your GP practice to provide you with care.Few readersI do not have a computer or smartphone
In order to utilise Anima's many features and benefits, you will need: an email address a smartphone (with SMS capability) a computer Alternatively, you can still contact your GP practice by telephone or by your usual other means.Few readersWhy should I use Anima?
Anima allows your GP to get to your consultation or requests much faster than traditional methods. By using Anima, you are helping your GP save time by providing all of your information for your request all in one place. Anima helps your GP Surgery run more effectively and efficiently.Few readersDo I have to choose from a set a list of requests?
No, Anima provides some suggestions for your request. You have the option of describing your request in greater detail. You can do this when selecting a medical problem, or clarifying your administrative request.Few readersCan I use Anima in an emergency?
No, Anima is strictly for non-emergent conditions. Please call 999 or 112 in case of an emergency.Few readers
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